There are some pretty great things in life! Some times I get annoyed when I see a label that claims something is new and improved when I thought the old one was perfect! But, there are times when things can seem perfect, and yet they can get even better.
When I was young, I thought life was pretty good. Then I learned I was a sinner on my way to hell. I accepted Christ's offer of salvation and found that life became great! But, the more I study the Scriptures the more I realize that great can become excellent if I allow it.
Romans 2:18- And knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law;
Paul told the Romans that there were more excellent things out there. He knew that once they realized what these things were that they would approve of them. These more excellent things are part of God's will for our lives, and they are found in the Bible.
So, what are these more excellent things?
The first is salvation. All the others hinge on this one! Salvation is the lynchpin to the more excellent things available to a Christian.
Religion tells us that we have to work for our salvation. We are to sacrifice our desires and try to be as good as we can and maybe we can earn our salvation. But, I just couldn't be good enough.
The Old Testament gives us a whole list of commandments, and sacrifices that had to be brought when one of these many commandments were violated. But, the blood of those animals couldn't do away with my sins- it only covered them.
Hebrews 11:4- By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.
But, I found a more excellent sacrifice! Christ died for my sins, and his payment not only covered my sins, it washed them away! I don't have to look for another sacrifice each time I mess up! I've found a more excellent thing!
The next one that I found was a more excellent name.
Hebrews 1:4- Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
Christ was around when the world was created. He was known as the Word in John 1. But, it wasn't until He became flesh, dwelt among us, died for our sins, and rose again that He obtained a more excellent name- the Lord Jesus Christ!
We, too, have the chance to inherit a more excellent name. I was born as a son of Adam, but when I asked Christ to save my soul I became a son of God!
Son of Adam was condemned to die. He was born with only path- the wages of sin which is death; eternal damnation in hell.
But, the Son of God was born to live! His path is infinite- to stand unspotted before God; to rule with Christ; to live forever in New Jerusalem as a child of the King of Kings.
My name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life- that is truly a more excellent thing than I was originally born with!
After my Christian rebirth, I found a more excellent ministry.
Hebrews 8:6- But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.
The Old Testament priests were the only ones who could go before God. And, even then, they couldn't really approach Him. They could minister to the people by offering sacrifices, and other things, but no one could stand before God and request or plead a cause.
Until Christ opened that door!
Now, I have a more excellent ministry than the priests of the Old Testament. I can tell others about Christ, I can approach His throne boldly with my requests, I can intercede in prayer on behalf of those around me. I have the chance to change the destiny of every man, woman, or child that I come in contact with!
My ministry far exceeds what the priests and prophets of past times could do. My ministry is a more excellent thing that isn't limited by my sinful nature or God's unapproachable Holiness.
While working the ministry I've been called to, I found was a more excellent way.
1 Corinthians 12:31- But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
The Corinthians were all about spiritual gifts. They wanted to have the special abilities that made them appear more spiritual to those around them. Paul wanted them to understand that there was a more excellent way.
The body is made up of many parts. When one part is lacking, or there are extra parts, the body is considered marred. The Corinthians couldn't understand that each person had a specific purpose in the body. Not everyone was meant to be an apostle who could heal. Not everyone was meant to be a prophet working miracles.
There are some people who are meant to be just the hands or the feet. It's truly selfish of us to want to be something other than what God created us to be. There are some people who won't be reached by the apostle or the prophet. There are some people who won't be converted by the miracles.
It doesn't seem very flattering until you realize that being what God designed you for is the more excellent way of living! Paul says in the next chapter that the best gift is Charity (not miracles, not speaking in tongues, not even being a missionary).
A helping hand. A kind word. A generous spirit. A loving heart. A gentle soul. Charity is what makes us different from the world. It's what catches the unsaved man's attention and makes him want to be different. His desire to understand what you have will open the door for you to witness to him.
Charity in a christian is the more excellent thing!
Throughout the ages, mankind has found some pretty great things. But, there are spiritual riches out there for us to strive for. Until we get into the Bible and learn all that Christ has for us, we won't see the opportunity to acquire the more excellent things.
I'm a King James Bible believing sinner saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ! I was raised by a good mother and I went to a KJV church growing up. I am a mother of 5 lovely children, 2 grandchildren, and am married to a crazy Cajun for 28 years now! I think bow ties are cool, and grey hairs are like tinsle for your head. I admire those who do right no matter the cost, and wish to avoid those who would compromise the truth.
Sometimes the devil doesn't tempt us with evil; sometimes he allures us with good, distracts us with obligations, confuses us with compromise, or hinders us with business to keep us from that which is best- service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Remember, the devil always offers his best, before Christ will offer His will for your life.