Sometimes the devil doesn't tempt us with evil; sometimes he allures us with good, distracts us with obligations, confuses us with compromise, or hinders us with business to keep us from that which is best- service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Remember, the devil always offers his best, before Christ will offer His will for your life.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

When Answers Aren't Enough

 I first introduced my sister, Mindi Fredrick, back in 2014 when her husband went into a coma and changed their life forever. The punches kept on coming for them, and by 2017 it was clear that their lives would never go back to the way they were before.

There were times that the question was asked, "why", yet there was never an answer. It's hard to trust God and keep walking the Christian walk when you have to trust a God you can't fully understand. And then just this month, they got some more devastating news.

These are her words.

I am a Christian mother of five children, currently ages 12-22 years old. Back in 2014, their father became physically and mentally disabled due to a massive anoxic brain injury. We cared for him in the home for 7.5 years until my ribs started cracking as I was picking him up. He is currently receiving rehab and long term care.

In the mean time, we were trying to figure out what was going on that my heart and lungs were struggling to do the simple task of just standing or walking a few feet.

At the beginning of January 2023, I was admitted to the hospital for a heart rate above 150 and testing. Turns out I have stage four cancer through many organs in my abdomen including my liver, gall bladder and ribs.

For me, the scary part wasn’t about what would happen to me, but how are my kids going to make it after I'm gone. Who will help them? Will they become angry or bitter? Will they stay in church and get the support they need to keep thriving and growing?

How long will I have left to help guide them along and not become a burden?

I asked the doctor to hit the cancer as hard as he could with everything that we can throw at it. So, we are doing that now, with 9 to 10 hour chemo sessions every first and second week out of a  three-week cycle. They have definitely made me more physically tired, but I’m trusting God and thankful for all the care and love shown by so many.

Over these next couple days, I will hopefully complete tying up all loose ends on will/guardianship, and other legal matters to make everything as easy as possible after my passing.  It seems morbid to think about, but since none of us know the day of our appointment with death, it’s probably one we should all address sooner rather than later. And especially taking care of bills, life insurance etc. to not leave your family struggling.

Some days you just have to do the practical. It reminds me of hearing someone asked an old preacher… If you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, what would you do?  His answer, "I’d plant my potatoes." The person questioned why he would do something so mundane (as opposed to go preach, etc.) and the preachers response was, "tomorrow I am supposed to plant potatoes, so I would be planting my potatoes." Just doing what we are supposed to do day in and day out.

As I lie in bed waiting to fall asleep, I thought I’d talk about my day. Of course, there were two excellent sermons and uplifting music from church that I was able to enjoy through a video link. But the majority of my day was spent in writing out thank you notes.

Did you know, it’s impossible to be ungrateful as you’re writing out things that you’re thankful for and blessings.

So here’s my challenge, for myself and for you…Let’s praise God for the blessings and be thankful.

I am humbled by her attitude. The doctors say, "It is inoperable. Without treatment she has 3 months to live." Currently she has a buildup of bilirubin and they’re having to use medication during her cancer treatments to bring it down (she starts to looks slightly jaundiced).

There's a Christian hymn that goes "When answers aren't enough there is Jesus. He's more than just an answer to our prayers. And my heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge. When answers aren't enough, He is there."

Mindi is resting in the promises that God will never leave her nor forsake her. She is holding to the promise that God will take care of  her children and husband when she is gone.

Her family is standing in awe at the grace she is exhibiting during this trial. We know that Christ promises to go through the troubles with us, and we can see that promise fulfilled as we pray and try to help her in with our meager attempts. We can’t help with the pain or the disease, that’s God’s part; but we can help with the burdens. It's such an amazing blessing to be used by God to help fill the needs of others!

I have set up a GoFundMe for her to help with the medical treatments and pay bills since she was the breadwinner for the family and due to treatments can no longer work. If you feel led by the Lord to help, please click the link and donate. I would also ask that you add the Fredrick family to your prayers.