Sometimes the devil doesn't tempt us with evil; sometimes he allures us with good, distracts us with obligations, confuses us with compromise, or hinders us with business to keep us from that which is best- service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Remember, the devil always offers his best, before Christ will offer His will for your life.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Israel, Hamas, and the Red Heifer

 In 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu predicted a new era of peace and prosperity in the Middle East, based on growing acceptance of Israel within the region. Today, that vision is gone.

In 2024, when an Hamas spokesman spoke at the mark of the 100th day of the current war, he explained to everyone's surprise that the reason Hamas opened the war was because the Jewish people are preparing to bring the Red Heifer. This is evident in the name of the war- Tufan al-Aqsa, or the al-Aqsa flood. The massacre which started the war was all about the Temple Mount.

According to the historic scribes in Judaism, the last war will be a religious war between the evil forces of Amalek and Israel. The month of Nissan, which was set as the month of the final redemption, is preceded by four specific events:

~Shekalim- each adult male Jew contribute half of a Biblical shekel for the upkeep of the Tabernacle or Temple
~Zachor- a remembrance of the attack of Amalek while the Jews wandered the wilderness and also a remembrance of Haman's plot to kill the Jews
~Parah Adumah- the sacrifice of the red heifer
~Hachodesh- the beginning of a new month

The problem for Hamas is that they know the majority of Jews don’t go into the Temple Mount (al-Aqsa) because they aren't considered "pure". The way they become pure is found in the book of Numbers 19, and can only come about once a Red Heifer has been ritually sacrificed and the ashes are used to undergo the process of purification. Then the Jews can enter the Temple Mount.

The Muslims are very scared of that event because they believe that "redemption" of the Jewish people will then take place (once Jews enter the Temple mount), and they will be forever doomed.

In Balaam's prophecy in the book of Numbers 22, he said, "Amalek was the first of the nations; but his latter end shall be that he perish for ever. '' The Jews believe this teaches that Israel's first war was with Amalek and also their last war will be with Amalek before the arrival of the Messiah, who will usher in the Messianic Age (or the Millennium, as Christian's call it).

They believe that means that the Jews in this present age are facing a war with Amalek. But who do they consider to be Amalek today?

We are accustomed to thinking that only the Germans are the Aryan race that is against the Jews, since the Nazis claimed to be the pure Aryan race. However, Scripturally speaking, the original races began in the middle east where Noah's family lived (Genesis 7), and all the races divided from that area after the tower of Babel (Genesis 11).

In the Hebrew people's mind, since Haman was Persian, they believe that the Amalekites are descendants of the Persians, who are an Aryan race. Therefore, when the Jews read in the Torah about "remembering Amalek", they interpret it as the last war indicated by Balaam that will take place with Persia, which is modern day Iran.

The October 7th Massacre is over the Temple Mount, and is an attempt by the Muslims try to delay the coming of the Messiah to set up his kingdom and destroy them. Hamas leaders have even called on Muslims to go to the Temple Mount and remain there until Passover evening, in order to “protect Al-Aqsa and prevent Jews from defiling it and making sacrifices there.”

What they fail to understand is that the Messiah has already come. There is, however, another need for the heifer- to remove the blood curse.

You see, when Jesus Christ came the first time, the Jews were looking for the Messianic Age. But that wasn't His purpose. His first coming was to keep the promise made to Adam and Ever- to pay for the sins of humanity.

His second coming will be to set up the Messianic kingdom, but it won't be until after the Jewish people have endured enough to admit their error from two millennia ago- their Messiah came a long time ago and they rejected Him.
Also, the man they will accept as their Messiah will turn out to be their greatest foe!