Sometimes the devil doesn't tempt us with evil; sometimes he allures us with good, distracts us with obligations, confuses us with compromise, or hinders us with business to keep us from that which is best- service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Remember, the devil always offers his best, before Christ will offer His will for your life.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Living With Pain book review

I don't live with much physical pain. I have a slight lower back problem every now and again. But, I do know people who live with pain every waking minute of every day- and sometimes more than that. 
There is also other types of pain that you don't feel in your body. This pain is harder to deal with, easier to overlook, yet just as agonizing.
Dr. Samuel Gipp broke his neck when he was in his twenties. I was 2 months before the problem was found and fixed. This injury has left him with constant pain since 1973. In his book, Living With Pain, Dr Gipp goes over not only how his injury happened, how it effects his life, and what helps him, but also how to live through the daily struggle.
People have different ways of dealing with pain. What might be excruciating to one person may be just an annoyance to another. The problem comes when you allow pain to control your actions and attitude towards other people. We effect those we come in contact with- we can contribute to their lives, or become a burden in constant need of sympathy and special treatment.
Dr Gipp points out some of the problems you, or someone you know, may face. He gives practical advice to the people experiencing the pain, and to the people who love those in pain. Through his suffering and the goodness of God's grace, you can benefit from his experiences, agony, and triumphs.