Sometimes the devil doesn't tempt us with evil; sometimes he allures us with good, distracts us with obligations, confuses us with compromise, or hinders us with business to keep us from that which is best- service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Remember, the devil always offers his best, before Christ will offer His will for your life.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Healthy Minute- Balancing Your Body

There are three different states that your body can be in- alkaline, acidic, and neutral. Knowing how each of these states affect your health can help you to understand why certain things are happening in your body.
In an acidic body, the balance of the intestinal flora can become tipped in the bad bacteria's favor. Candida can easily thrive and grow out of control. And your body is depleted of minerals very quickly. If the blood's PH gets too acidic, it can lead to central nervous system depression, and even death.
The blood requires a PH level of 7.35 to 7.45, which is just into the alkaline range. When the blood starts to get acidic, the body pulls phosphates from your teeth and bones to bring the alkalinity back to where it should be. This can lead to teeth prone to cavities, and weak bones.
In a severely alkaline body, the nerves can become hypersensitive. Muscle spasms and convulsions can occur, sometimes violent enough to cause death.
The body requires balance. The PH scale ranges from 0 to 14. We need to keep our body in the neutral, or 7 range. Anything that has a PH below 7 is considered acidic, and anything above 7 is considered alkaline. The acidic scale needs to be looked at as ten times for each one letter. So, soda has a PH of 3, which makes it ten thousand times more acidic than water.
Your body has three ways of keeping you in that perfect neutral setting: buffer systems, carbon dioxide release, and elimination of hydrogen ions. These three things occur without you even thinking about them (like pulling the phosphates from your bones as mentioned above).
We can help our body perform it's job and keep ourselves in optimal health by eating foods that help keep our body in the neutral zone.
The typical Western diet of animal foods (meat, dairy, etc) and highly processed grains leads to a very acidic body. The best way to help your body balance is to incorporate a good amount of alkalizing fruits and vegetables. You can have all the meat and dairy you like if you eat just a little more fruits and veggies to balance it out.
Drinking lemon water, or water with a little Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg's brand with the "mother") in it can help to bring your body back to the middle ground. Just please know that there is no "over night fix" that you can do. It's going to take time a dedication to bring your body to the neutral PH position and keep it there.
This is not an exhaustive study on this topic. If you want more information, please watch the video below. If you're interest is piqued, I encourage you to do more research on your own.

NOTE: I am not associated with PHion. It is just the best video I could find that explains PH.