The most prominent benefit is for your digestive system. Green papaya contains 2 enzymes that help your body digest the food that you have eaten. As the papaya ripens, one of these enzymes lessens and eventually disappears. When eaten, it helps with heart burn, IBS, and stomach ulcers.
Green papaya is known to help your body break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates even when your stomach PH is alkaline or neutral. But, it doesn't stop there! It also helps your intestinal flora maintain a healthy balance while fighting off any internal parasites and cleaning and healing the intestinal walls.
Another benefit for your body is that papaya is great for your skin! It can help clear up acne, lighten age spots, protect against skin infection, and wash away dead skin cells when used topically. My favorite thing to do is take the green papaya skin and put it in a mason jar, covered with apple cider vinegar, and leave it for a month. Once you strain this, it is a wonderful toner for the skin!
Papaya contains vitamins A,B, C, and E as well as antioxidants and other minerals and amino acids, along with those digestive enzymes. It makes a very healthy addition to any meal!
You can buy them in most grocery stores as a whole fruit. Some stores sell it already chopped and frozen. It is available in powdered form which can be added to smoothies and teas (in the place of lemons). You can also buy papaya tablets which kinda taste like candy and can be eaten after meals to aid in digestion.
For more information, please watch the video below. The guy is pretty monotone and boring, but it's good information.